Embed Google sheets data into external websites as beautiful cards

Embedding Google sheets data into existing websites isn't easy. On top of that, if you want to add filters and search functionality on top of your data and add to existing websites, you would need to write a lot of code.

There are many occasions when you need to embed data from Google sheets to external websites. For example, you might have made a list of best books in a Google sheet and you may want to display that data on an external site as below.

The same can be done for various other use cases.

Some popular use cases to embed Google sheets data into external websites.

  1. Build a list of best books in Google sheets and display that data on external websites.
  2. Create a list of best-performing stocks data in Google Sheets and display that on any website
  3. Create employee list in Google sheets and build a beautiful directory from Google sheets data
  4. Curate a list of best products in Google sheets and embed that data anywhere
  5. Listing of events - Just maintain the list in any Google sheets, generate code using Siteoly and embed that data on any site
  6. ... there are hundreds of possible use-case to embed the Google sheets data

How to embed Google sheets data into websites using Siteoly?

Follow below steps to embed Google sheets.

  1. Login to the https://app.siteoly.com/

2. Click on the "Embed cards" icon.

3. Select the ProjectName from the dropdown and select Sheet Name and Layout as follows.

4. Click on the  Generated embed code.

5. Click on the Copy to Clipboard, and use this on any site

Where all can you embed Google sheets data?

Using Siteoly, you can pretty much embed Google sheets data on any website that supports javascript.

Here are some places where you can easily embed Google sheets data.

  1. WordPress

    Wordpress is one of the most popular CMS solutions out there. To embed Google sheets data to WordPress, all you need to do is - "get the embed code from Siteoly" and add it to the website's WordPress Post.

  2. Squarespace

    Squarespace is another popular player that can help build websites using a web interface. It's a kind of WYSIWYG editor. But embedding Google sheet data into SquareSpace needs some kind of workarounds. But with Siteoly, you can display data from Google sheets onto SquareSpace sites in less than 5 minutes.

  3. Wix, Carrd

    Wix and Carrd are other popular website builder tools that let you build websites visually. While embedding static data into Wix or Carrd is easy by just dragging and dropping the files, embedding dynamic data from Google sheets isn't always easy. With Siteoly, all you have to do is copy the embed code and add the code to Wix or Carrd page.

  4. Shopify websites & E-commerce sites

    Shopify is one of the most popular players to create eCommerce stores. Other notable players in this space are Woocommerce, Magento, etc. Each of these solutions has its own CMS. But if you want to display some data from Google sheets on these pages, Siteoly is your best choice.

  5. Any other HTML/CSS website

    If you are building your own site with adhoc HTML/CSS and other web technologies, then also you can use Siteoly embed code to display the data from Google sheets onto these sites. Irrespective of whatever backend technologies you use like Python, PHP, Ruby, etc as long as you use HTML/Javascript for your front end, you can use Siteoly to embed data from Google sheets.